How To Fix Nextscripts Social Networks Auto-Poster Not Using Correct Categories / Tags
⚠️ This article was last updated over 6 years ago and may be outdated.
This blog uses Nextscript’s SNAP to autopost new posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Medium. After installing and activating a few new plugins, I noticed that a scheduled post (“How To View Trello Card Name / Description History”) had been posted with the default category (Android Dev) instead of the correct category (Project Management). Additionally, none of the post’s tags were included in any of the automatic posts.
After a little trial and error, I discovered the cause: Gutenberg Editor. Creating any posts in this new editor caused the issue, and just disabling the plugin resolved the issue instantly.
Whilst the plugin was useful, and had a lot of improvements over the default TinyMCE editor, it wasn’t worth ruining all social media posts!