As mentioned a few weeks ago I’m now using the jekyll-anchor-headings scripts to add links to each header. This works great, but… unfortunately has side effects if the header is more than one line. Time to fix that!

The problem

When the header is multiline, all lines after the first have an incorrect indent making them appear misaligned with the rest of the post:

Before After

Obviously this isn’t a big deal, but it was annoying enough that I decided to fix it! Luckily, the fix was relatively simple, converting the existing padding-left & margin-left solution to a text-indent solution.

The fix

h2 {
    margin-left: -18px;
    padding-left: 8px;
.post-content h2 {
    text-indent: -10px;

The previous solution used margin-left which applied a margin to the entire header, and padding-left which applied padding to every line of the header. This was fine for single line headers, but caused issues when the header spread over multiple lines, as only the first line is affected by the added <a> permalink.

The end result is additional header lines not being affected by the margin, and being offset too far to the left. The solution was to use text-indent, which only indents the first line, where the added permalink is included.

Additionally, I noticed the indentation was applying to the homepage (which didn’t include the anchor heading plugin), so changed the CSS to only apply on a post by adding the .post-content selector.

Here’s the full CSS change, but essentially you’re just replacing all of the hX CSS classes in the example with:

.post-content h2 {
    text-indent: -10px;

.post-content h3 {
    text-indent: -8px;

.post-content h4 {
    text-indent: -6px;

.post-content h5 {
    text-indent: -4px;

.post-content h6 {
    text-indent: -2px;