How to create an app bundle (and APK) on Travis / CI server
App bundles are one of my 5 Android techniques for 2020, and with good reason: they’re a low effort way of drastically reducing app size. Surprisingly, we also noticed faster times creating an app bundle then an APK than creating an APK directly. Of course, moving away from APKs is trickier if you have a complicated multi-stage build process involving QA or deployment!
Currently I am transitioning a large app slowly from APKs to app bundles whilst retaining compatibility with our existing processes. For now this means generating both app bundles and APKs. Whilst creating both isn’t especially tricky, the detailed explanations in this post should make it easier to implement into Travis.
Update: If using Gradle plugin 3.5.0+, the app bundle will be generated at app-<variant>.aab
(e.g. app-debug.aab
) instead of app.aab
. The following tutorial has been left unchanged, make sure to edit your script if using a later Gradle plugin version!
The plan
Our approach is going to consist of 4 steps:
- Preparing Travis to use a build script
- Making an app bundle for our app
- Downloading bundletool, so we can…
- …generate a universal APK from our app bundle
If you’d like to see a finished script of this post (recommended), it’s available as a Gist: https://gist.github.com/JakeSteam/eacc45ddd0db942d6902150f09dfa39f
Preparing Travis / CI config
Before we write anything, we need to make our CI config (e.g. .travis.yml
) able to run a shell script! Otherwise, our build config is going to get very messy. These steps are going to vary a little bit between CIs, but should be pretty similar.
- Before anything else, make sure the build scripts can be executed by changing their permissions (assuming they’re in
before_install: # Make sure build scripts can be executed
- chmod 755 build-scripts/*.sh
- Next, add your script to the
step, passing the built-in build directory variable:
script: # Runs build script
- build-scripts/travis_build.sh $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR
Our CI is now going to run build-scripts/travis_build.sh
, so let’s make that file and make it do something!
Making an app bundle
This is amazingly simple, we just need to run the gradle task for bundle generation inside our travis_build.sh
./gradlew app:bundleDebug
If you’re using build variants (e.g. prodDebug
), you’ll need to do app:bundleProdDebug
instead. This would also be a good place to do lintDebug
, ktlint
, or any other pre-build checks by adding them to the list of gradle tasks.
Downloading bundletool
To convert our app bundle into a universal APK (an APK that can be installed on any device), we’ll need bundletool. This is just a case of curl
ing it:
curl -O -L "https://github.com/google/bundletool/releases/download/0.11.0/bundletool-all-0.11.0.jar"
Using bundletool to create a universal APK
To create our universal APK we’ll need our keystore information. This can be hardcoded, passed in, stored in environment variables, retrieved from a remote server etc, but we’ll be keeping it simple. We’re also storing a debug keystore in our repo for simplicity, and passing in the bundle & output locations. Travis’ build directory is passed in from our build config.
# Get the build directory from build config
# Use bundletool to create universal .apks zip
java -jar bundletool-all-0.11.0.jar build-apks \
--mode=universal \
--bundle=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/app/build/outputs/bundle/prodDebug/app.aab \
--output=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/app/build/outputs/bundle/prodDebug/app.apks \
--ks=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/app/build-extras/debug.keystore \
--ks-pass=pass:android \
--ks-key-alias=androiddebugkey \
Bundletool actually creates an .apks
file, a zip file of our universal APK. We can get our actual APK with a quick unzip into a new unzipped
unzip ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/app/build/outputs/bundle/prodDebug/app.apks -d ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/app/build/outputs/bundle/prodDebug/unzipped;
And that’s it! We now have our universal APK at ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/app/build/outputs/bundle/prodDebug/unzipped/universal.apk
, ready to be sent to wherever wants an APK.
Tidying up
Whilst the above approach does achieve the goal, the code is pretty messy and hard coded. Extracting variables and making the code more generic will let us use it for debug and release builds, as well as making it easier to modify.
Extracting variables
Inside our travis_build.sh
script, we should extract all of our file locations and keystore information. Once this is done, it will be possible to pass the variables to a generic function that can handle any build type. For example:
# Debug build variables
# Release build variables
Extracting into functions
Converting our script into functions will simplify the overall logic, and help clarify the code’s meaning. I chose to split my code into “bundle generating” and “bundle to apk conversion” functions. The converter also includes a quick check for the number of parameters passed:
function compileAndTestDebugBundle {
echo "Compiling and testing a debug bundle!"
./gradlew app:bundleDebug
function convertBundleToApk {
# Check all necessary arguments have been passed
if [[ "$#" -eq 5 ]]; then
echo "Converting bundle to APK!"
echo "Make sure you pass in a bundle path, and all 4 keystore values!"
exit 1
# Download bundletool
curl -O -L "https://github.com/google/bundletool/releases/download/0.11.0/bundletool-all-0.11.0.jar"
# Use bundletool to create universal .apks zip
java -jar bundletool-all-0.11.0.jar build-apks \
--mode=universal \
--bundle=${1}app.aab \
--output=${1}app.apks \
--ks=${2} \
--ks-pass=pass:${3} \
--ks-key-alias=${4} \
# Unzip .apks zip into /unzipped
unzip ${1}app.apks -d ${1}unzipped;
Now, we can just call our functions (with the parameters) to perform the task, making the code’s intention much more obvious. Making a release build is as simple as passing different parameters, easy!
Securing passwords
Whilst our approach so far works well, it isn’t particularly secure. Our keystore passwords are in our build config, meaning they’re visible to anyone who can see our CI logs or repository. Travis’ encrypted environment variables are a great solution to this. They encrypt your password (e.g. KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
, and only provide it to you during a build (they can be retrieved though!). This can then be passed to your script and used by changing the build config to:
script: # Runs build script
And your variable definitions to:
Next steps
Whilst the results of this post are enough to create app bundles and APKs, there’s always improvements to be made. For example, the functions could be extracted to a new .sh
file, then included in travis_build.sh
You could also perform a release build for specific branches, by passing the TRAVIS_BRANCH
environment variable from the Travis config. This value can then be used in a simple if statement to create a build:
if [[ ${TRAVIS_BRANCH} == "dev" ]]; then
Finally, the next step for me will be moving away from APKs completely, by using Google Play Internal App Sharing for QA. The article for implementing this is now available.
PS: Just in case anyone missed it, here’s the outcome of this post: https://gist.github.com/JakeSteam/eacc45ddd0db942d6902150f09dfa39f
PPS: Happy holidays!